George Malone, Jr
Harker Heights, United States
The Malone Clan
Aine Kelly
The Nugent Clan
Arisay Mackey
The Mackey Clan
Chris Campagnaro
South Slocan Village, Canada
The Davis Clan
TANYA McNamara
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
Kaylee Reardon
United States
The Reardon Clan
Patricia Shannon Leonard
United States
The Shannon Clan
Daniel Gaughan
Gardnerville, United States
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
Tammi Burns Koss
Calgary, Canada
The Burns Clan
Linda Waas
Hackettstown, United States
The Gannon Clan
Arthur Johnson
The Johnson Clan
Lenora Leddy
St. Augustine, United States
The Leddy Clan
Christopher Bernard
Liverpool, England
The Bernard Clan
Kathleen Davis-pinney
United States
The Hagan Clan
Denise Dooley
United States
The Dooley Clan
Mossie O'Leary
Castleisland, Ireland
The O'Leary Clan
Helen Gossett
Fort Lauderdale, United States
The Lawler Clan
Robb Lane
Hurst, United States
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
Jessica Stephenson
United States
The Stephenson Clan
William Bishop
Ottawa Ontario, Canada
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
Wayne Lang
United States
The Lang Clan
Celina Keller
United States
The Keller Clan
Charles J. Sasser
United States
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
sherry nelson
United States
The Keller Clan
Shawn Bowen
United States
The Bowen Clan